Moth weekend 7/07/2023 - 8/07/2023
So this took a lot more planning than I anticipated, with the help of a moth expert who I lovingly called the Moth man but is actually called Mike Cook. We determined the prime time of the year as the number of moths vary through the months (as shown in graph below). Once this was decided location and time had to be worked out. Which led us to the moth weekend at the Freeman.
So a very quick run down of what occurred we firstly met at 9.30pm on the Friday to set up the light trap and started collecting moths, with smaller species arriving earlier and slowly larger species arriving later on. Then on Saturday morning, we gathered again to examine what we had found and to learn more about local species and invasive species, such as the box hedge moths.
Full list of species we found can be seen below! Would love to give a massive thank you to Mike Cook for helping me to run this activity and to the Natural History Society, who everyone should look out for and join.
species recorded
- Barred Yellow
- Bee moth female
- Bee moth Male
- Box-tree moth
- Brimstone moth
- buff arches
- Clepsis consimilana
- Common footman
- Dark arches
- Dun-bar
- Garden Grass vaneer
- Eudonia lacstrata
- Heart and dart
- Large yellow underwing
- Light emerland
- Lozotaenia forterana
- Marbled Minor Agg
- Mother of pearl
- Plain golden
- Sallow kitten
- Small dusty wave
- Small fan-footed wave
- Swallow-tailed moth
- Willow beauty
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